
Mon 26 February 2018

Bankaltimtara Gets Paltinum at ICSRA II 2018

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan received the Platinum award in the Indonesian Corporate Social Responsibility Award-II-2018 (ICSRA) for the Regional Development Bank category, held Economic Review, Perbanas Institute and Indonesia Asia Institute on Friday (23/02 / 2018).

Corporate Secretary of BankaltimtaraAbdul Haris Sahilin said that CSR is a form of commitment of PT BPD Kaltim Kaltara as a regional company in conducting operational activities by taking into account stakeholder involvement, scope of activities, health of education and social environment, and long term CSR impact for the community.

"Bankaltimtara each year has consistently run CSR programs not only for corporate responsibility towards stakesholder but also as business sustainability efforts," said Abdul Haris.

As part of the company's commitment in implementing CSR, Bankaltimtara has implemented several CSR programs in the fields of education, business development, health and other CSR.

"We also provide financial education to support government programs to improve financial literacy in the community. This program is conducted annually through Bankingtimtara Education and Prima Bankaltimtara Scholarship, beside that we support the improvement of micro and medium enterprises through CSR Bina Usaha program, "added Abdul Haris.

In the event of ICSRA-II-2018, according to the jury, Bankaltimtara was awarded platinum in CSR activities where the assessment was done by several measurements, ie how far the publication of CSR activities of the company, how the company involves stakeholders in csr activities and sustainability / do.

President Director of PT BPD Kaltim Kaltara, Zainuddin Fanani, said that his company has conducted a CSR program with the aim of helping make the management of financial and banking education become useful and sustainable for the people of East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan as well as providing benefits for the bank's business.

"We are proud and grateful for the award of ICSRA II 2018. We will continue to make CSR programs useful and useful for society and environment so that corporate gait can be felt by all society," said Zainuddin Fanani, after receiving the award at the Hotel Crowne Plaza, Jakarta, Friday (23/2).

CSR is a strategic program in realizing synergy between government, companies, and society. With CSR, the company is expected to provide benefits and benefits socially to society and the company itself.